Bridgital Nation

Bridgital In Action

In the digital world, lower wage, digitally augmented workers are able to take on tasks previously done by experts and specialists. This frees up time and capacity for the latter to use their skills optimally.


Technology allows the seamless transfer of the freed up time and capacity- mediated by digitally augmented workers to cater the needs of the underserved.


The result is an enhanced system since the specialised workers focus on what they do best and other workers take on your mundane tasks. Most importantly, it is more inclusive.

For Example, in the health sector the doctor could transfer the data collection, maintaining patient history, temperature, BP to digitally augmented workers and use the freed up time to serve the underserved. The data they collect could be analysed instantly by medical software. 


Applications of digitalisation in certain fields is more relevant than others


1.Agriculture- The digital makeover in agriculture will be centered around agriculture extension workers. The transformation could be in the form of a digital platform that offers information and farming in Science based on granular data; things currently farmers have lack of access to.



2.Logistics-   A bridgital approach in logistics would make the perilous job of a truck driver simpler, safer and more productive. A platform could train drivers, insure them, remind them of safety measures, provide real-time guidance on routes and driving behaviour and direct them to the nearest place where they could get a good night's sleep. It could also include infrastructure that makes this a reality, such as rest stops with proper food, sanitation and dormitory facilities in critical locations. It could turn long-distance transport into a relay type task, breaking up a cross country journey into multiple day long trips by a succession of drivers. This would reduce transit time by 50% or more.



3.Judiciary- Digitally augmented courtroom managers could help reduce the workload of judges and also tide over the 5800 courtroom vacancies currently. Records would be digitised, case summaries would be supported by AI, and courts would know instantly if the same case was being heard by courts in different locations.



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Etee Bajaj

This document is curated by Etee Bajaj. A BBA (HNRS) Graduate from St. Xaviers College, she has also completed her M.Sc.(Finance) and CFA from ICFAI University, Hyderabad. She takes keen interest in stock markets and believes in Value Investing and Fundamental research and considers the storyline of a company a crucial factor in investment. Reading autobiographies of renowned people is her hobby.